How Does Cyberbullying Affect Boys?

Some parents or guardians may still view bullying as nothing more than playground scuffles or a way to toughen up their sons or other young boys they know. These out of date and harmful ideas do not take into account cyberbullying and its effect on boys in particular. Also, they do not recognize the serious damage that unrelenting attacks and negativity can cause during their formative years. Take a new look at cyberbullying and find out how you can help the boys in your life find safety and enjoyment online.

Are Boys Cyberbullied Less Frequently?

A recent study from the National Center for Education Statistics reveal that secondary school girls reported online bullying three times as much as boys did. While this may make it seem like male teenagers do not have to worry as much about the effects of this problem, the discrepancy could also stem from the fact that boys simply do not want to admit that they were harassed in this way. Avoidance of a topic is a common indication that it may actually be occurring.

As the conversation about cyberbullying continues, the study’s responses and statistics may change considerably over time. The simple fact remains that cyberbullying does affect young boys and teenagers with increasing frequency in our constantly connected world. Parents and educators must recognize the signs so they can address the problem and find effective solutions.

The Effects of Online Bullying on Male Youth and Teens

In most circumstances, how a bullied kid reacts does not change that much due to their gender. Both boys and girls will experience emotional upheaval, anxiety, depression, and a withdrawal from formerly engaging activities. This may mean that they no longer want to participate in a sport or favorite extracurricular club. They may stop socializing with their friends as much. They may try to avoid school, and their academic performance may suffer.

Boys specifically are more likely to respond with aggressive behaviors and cyberbully others themselves in an attempt to regain personal power. Some will attack rather than withdraw from a difficult situation. They are also more likely to exhibit antisocial attitudes and get involved in physical altercations that bring the cyberbullying beyond the Internet.

Cyberbullying affects boys in a wide variety of ways. It is important to take these actions seriously and truly understand how they can affect the overall well-being and sense of self that children and young men should have. Bullying may look and feel very different than it did during your youth, and it can have more serious effects than you might imagine. Educate yourself and offer caring guidance to children and teens who experience these harmful Internet-based attacks.